Life in General

Walking In Forgiveness


Pretty important word

One definition

act of forgiving; state of being forgiven.

Seems we are always in one place or the other


At the same time!

We choose to forgive

Even if it wasn’t asked 

We hope to be forgiven

Even if we haven’t asked

How many times have we heard it said

I will forgive but I won’t forget?

I think we utter those words because we don’t want to forgive

God didn’t tell us to forget

He did say Forgive

Some things we shouldn’t forget

Some things we hope we do

Doesn’t matter

We just forgive 

Then let God deal with the forgetting

I’m writing this because someone hurt my feelings just this morning

Accused me of doing something that I hadn’t done

Would NEVER do!

It hurt

Did they mean to hurt me?

I don’t think so

Did they ask for forgiveness?


But forgive I must

Will the sting of the accusation still remain?


At least for a little while

But the cost of unforgiveness

Is greater than the pain

So I choose to forgive

And soon I’ll forget



“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Matt 6:14, 15 (NLT)